Monday, February 21, 2011

Irish Red Tasting Notes

My first batch of beer is finally ready! So, I thought I'd do a little tasting to show how it turned out. For those of you who are not familiar with beer tasting, there are five basic things that you look for: Appearance, Smell, Taste, Mouthfeel, and overall Drinkability. I'll give a description of the beer in each of these areas.

A: Deep amber color - consistent with the style. Head of about 1 to 2 fingers, though it dissipates fairly quickly.

S: Sweet. Small hint of alcohol, but just barely noticeable.

T: Fairly thin malt with just a hint of hoppy bitterness. If you don't like IPA's, you will probably be able to drink this beer pretty easily. It's a little bready, but there is a bit of a twang to it that is hard to place. I think it may be from the yeast that I used. If/when I make this beer again, I will most likely use a different yeast. Can't really taste the alcohol in it, which is a plus.

M: Interesting carbonation. Fairly thin, definitely easy to drink.

D: I like it. It's not my favorite beer ever, but it is definitely drinkable. I will most likely try to make this again and make subtle tweaks to it to try and perfect it.

I hope you enjoyed this tasting profile. If you get a chance to try it, please comment with what you think. Nobody's tastes are exactly the same, so what I taste may be different from what you taste! I definitely look forward to trying the next beer. I think it's going to be even better!

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